1000G: Chapter 6

This was a hard chapter to understand, for me.  Maybe I’m just not “there” yet?  But I’ll take a shot at answering the question.

What do i want?

I want some chocolate.

I want the kids to play their game without arguing and fighting.

I want my sick six-year-old son to be healthy again.

I want dinner to cook itself, and (if possible) wash the dishes and wipe the stove afterwards.

I want to get a full night’s sleep.

I want to see God in all things.  I fear that I might be closer to what Ann describes as pantheism, worshipping the gifts.  But I know what I need is to see His hand in the gifts and to worship Him for them.

I loved that Ann quoted Psalm 27.4, as that is a chapter that I’ve been trying to memorize (for about a year and a half!)

One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.

Oh, I want that too!  🙂

I understand also about the daily manna.  I need that, too!  I need to keep my daily counting–because otherwise I will forget it.  I want to remember him for His gifts every day.

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